現實生活中的欲求不滿,透過扮演另一個角色來補上慾望的缺口。一個喜歡打屁股的女人,一段打屁股的紀錄,一份打屁股的搜集。這是我的變態世界。 I love spanking. A blog about erotic corporal punishment.
(成人內容 限心智成熟者閱讀)
星期三, 12月 06, 2006
星期六, 12月 02, 2006
the Spanked Wife Story
I run a pretty tight ship in my family. My father was in Navy, as I am, and we do not believe in nonsense in the Navy. Discipline is the order of the day.
I have four children, three girls and a boy. They are all strapped soundly when they need it, which isn't that often, as they are pretty good kids. We have a procedure that we have all agreed to for this process. The whole family gets involved. We all troop down to the den and watch while I hike the naughty child over my knee, bare his or her bottom and wallop the daylights out of the child with a leather belt.
This procedure has worked very well and I rarely had to use it, though I certainly don't hesitate if it is needed. I can distinctly remember when we came up with this system. It was on a Saturday afternoon during a family meeting. Larry, the oldest at thirteen, was complaining that the girls never got punished as hard as him.
"Is that true, girls?" I asked.
"No way!" said Rebecca, the eleven-year-old girl. "You spank us hard!" exclaimed Tina, the youngest at age eight. Dana, age nine, agreed.
Of course a large argument broke out. I called for quiet and when I had it I explained an idea I had. "I'll tell you what we can do. So that everyone knows just what kind of punishment the others are getting from now on everyone will watch the other being punished." At first the kids didn't like this idea, but then everyone decided it was fair. We agreed to use the new system them next time someone needed a spanking.
Almost month went by with no incidents. As I said, these kids are usually pretty good. Soon, however, something happened that changed everything. We heard that one of the neighbor kids was caught with a cigarette. Smoking is very forbidden at my house. I abhor it. My wife had to quit before I would marry her.
"Kids," I said sternly one morning after I heard the rumor, "you all know what would happen if I caught you smoking, don't you?" There were cries of "Yes, Father."
I stood in front of everyone and boldly proclaimed, "If I catch any member of this household with a cigarette he or she will be taken to the den and spanked in front of everyone! Any questions?"
"No, sir!"
A week later Larry caught his mom with a cigarette.
I couldn't believe it. "Madeline, how could you!"
"I'm sorry, dear. It was just the one--I haven't done it for months, I swear it!"
Of course Larry immediately reminded me of my promise. "That's ridiculous," said my wife. "He was talking about you kids."
"Dad specifically said, 'anyone caught with a cigarette,' Mom," said Larry boldly. "It's not fair to change the rules now!"
"The kid has a point, dear," I said in my sweetest voice, and Madeline just glared at me.
"If you think for one second..."
I cut her off with a way of my hand. "Larry, go get your sisters and meet us downstairs in the den. We'll join you in a minute." He ran off with a huge grin on his face and I ignored the shocked and rather ugly expression distorting my wife's pretty face.
"Reginald Derek Johnson!" she growled at me. "What the _hell_ do you think you are doing!"
"I'm doing exactly what I promised. I stated the rule--you were there. I can't back out on the rule now. Think of the example that sets for the kids! Besides, I think this will do you a world of good."
"You can't seriously--"
"A serious as I've ever been, dear."
My wife of seventeen years glared at me with malignant fury. "I will _not_ do it. I won't let you. You can't!"
I calmly took her arm in a firm grip and smiled at her. "You have no choice. Either you do this now or I'll paddle your bottom every night for a month!"
She submitted. I could tell she wasn't happy about it at all, but she knew better than to argue with me once she saw my mind was made up. It didn't take long for us all to be gathered downstairs in the den, Madeline looking sulky and depressed.
"Cheer up, Mom," said perky Dana with a broad smile. "It isn't _that_ bad."
"Yeah, Mom. It'll be over quick!" giggled Rebecca.
My wife didn't say a word.
I pulled the old armless wooden chair to the center of the room and took my seat. "All right, Madeline. Please come forward for your spanking." Head bowed, she came forward. She looked ready to spit nails.
"I assume everyone--including you, my dear--is aware of what you have done to earn this spanking?" Everyone nodded. "And what did you do, Madeline?"
She glared at me without speaking for a moment. "I smoked a cigarette," she said finally.
"And what is the rule about cigarettes?"
"No one in this house is permitted to smoke."
"Excellent my dear. And finally, what is the punishment for breaking that no-smoking rule?"
"A spanking."
I nodded. "A spanking. A long, bare-bottomed spanking with a belt. Which you are about to receive. Now bare your bottom!"
My wife didn't move. "Didn't you hear me?" I asked.
"Please, Reg," she begged, her face growing red. "Not in front of the kids. That isn't fair."
"It's just as fair as them getting spanked in front of you," I pointed out. "Besides, you should have thought of that before you decided to light a Lucky. Now bare your bottom or I'll give you a session with the paddle _before_ the strap!"
Madeline slowly began to take off her skirt. With nearly every movement she paused and looked at me as though to make sure I wouldn't let her out of this humiliating situation, but I was adamant. Eventually her skirt was draped over a nearby chair and Maddy was only in her panties.
Now she's filled out over the years but she's still a fine-looking woman. Her bottom is a little softer than it used to be, I suppose, but it's still shapely. I felt myself growing erect just knowing what was to come.
"Keep going," I said. Tears were in her eyes but she obeyed, slowly, inch by inch. Finally her panties were down off her bottom, and then mid-thigh, and in a furious gesture I reached out and yanked them down to her ankles. "Step out of them and get over my lap!"
She obeyed with alacrity and immediately stretched out across my legs. Now I'm a big man but it still felt rather awkward to have an adult lying across my lap. Her big bottom was sticking up in the air, naked and trembling, and I put my hand on it and it felt so silky and soft I just could hardly wait to begin.
I gave her light hand-spanking to start. Just a few dozen wallops to warm her up and get me into the "swing" of things. Then I had Larry fetch me the leather belt. Normally this was something the spankee would do, of course, but I felt some mercy to Madeline was in order. She'd cooperated so far. No sense in making her walk naked across the room to fetch the belt.
The belt is thick and heavy and I measured off a section about eighteen inches long and raised it high above my head and brought it down as hard as I could across my wife's bared rump. There was a loud slap, a strangled gurgle from Maddy, and gasps and giggles from the kids. I walloped my wife again and again and again and soon she was howling and begging me for mercy. I didn't slow down but continued, just like I would have for any of the kids.
I laid down a couple dozen strokes across her ass, a couple dozen across her spread thighs, and then a final dozen across her bottom. She was sobbing when I stopped, my hands casually rubbing the red welted stripes and feeling the tremendous heat radiating from her skin.
"How's that feel there, Maddy? Good and hot? Feel the urge to smoke a cigarette now? No? Good!" I gave her a couple of sharp swats with my hand and lifted her to her feet. Her face was flushed with shame and she didn't even wait to grab her skirt but ran up the stairs as though her ass was on fire... which it was, of course.
I looked at the kids and no one said anything. I think they were all thinking that sometime in the future each of them would be in her position, naked and strapped across my lap while everyone else watched. And in fact, it wasn't that long before Becky made that prediction come true....
But that's another story.
I have four children, three girls and a boy. They are all strapped soundly when they need it, which isn't that often, as they are pretty good kids. We have a procedure that we have all agreed to for this process. The whole family gets involved. We all troop down to the den and watch while I hike the naughty child over my knee, bare his or her bottom and wallop the daylights out of the child with a leather belt.
This procedure has worked very well and I rarely had to use it, though I certainly don't hesitate if it is needed. I can distinctly remember when we came up with this system. It was on a Saturday afternoon during a family meeting. Larry, the oldest at thirteen, was complaining that the girls never got punished as hard as him.
"Is that true, girls?" I asked.
"No way!" said Rebecca, the eleven-year-old girl. "You spank us hard!" exclaimed Tina, the youngest at age eight. Dana, age nine, agreed.
Of course a large argument broke out. I called for quiet and when I had it I explained an idea I had. "I'll tell you what we can do. So that everyone knows just what kind of punishment the others are getting from now on everyone will watch the other being punished." At first the kids didn't like this idea, but then everyone decided it was fair. We agreed to use the new system them next time someone needed a spanking.
Almost month went by with no incidents. As I said, these kids are usually pretty good. Soon, however, something happened that changed everything. We heard that one of the neighbor kids was caught with a cigarette. Smoking is very forbidden at my house. I abhor it. My wife had to quit before I would marry her.
"Kids," I said sternly one morning after I heard the rumor, "you all know what would happen if I caught you smoking, don't you?" There were cries of "Yes, Father."
I stood in front of everyone and boldly proclaimed, "If I catch any member of this household with a cigarette he or she will be taken to the den and spanked in front of everyone! Any questions?"
"No, sir!"
A week later Larry caught his mom with a cigarette.
I couldn't believe it. "Madeline, how could you!"
"I'm sorry, dear. It was just the one--I haven't done it for months, I swear it!"
Of course Larry immediately reminded me of my promise. "That's ridiculous," said my wife. "He was talking about you kids."
"Dad specifically said, 'anyone caught with a cigarette,' Mom," said Larry boldly. "It's not fair to change the rules now!"
"The kid has a point, dear," I said in my sweetest voice, and Madeline just glared at me.
"If you think for one second..."
I cut her off with a way of my hand. "Larry, go get your sisters and meet us downstairs in the den. We'll join you in a minute." He ran off with a huge grin on his face and I ignored the shocked and rather ugly expression distorting my wife's pretty face.
"Reginald Derek Johnson!" she growled at me. "What the _hell_ do you think you are doing!"
"I'm doing exactly what I promised. I stated the rule--you were there. I can't back out on the rule now. Think of the example that sets for the kids! Besides, I think this will do you a world of good."
"You can't seriously--"
"A serious as I've ever been, dear."
My wife of seventeen years glared at me with malignant fury. "I will _not_ do it. I won't let you. You can't!"
I calmly took her arm in a firm grip and smiled at her. "You have no choice. Either you do this now or I'll paddle your bottom every night for a month!"
She submitted. I could tell she wasn't happy about it at all, but she knew better than to argue with me once she saw my mind was made up. It didn't take long for us all to be gathered downstairs in the den, Madeline looking sulky and depressed.
"Cheer up, Mom," said perky Dana with a broad smile. "It isn't _that_ bad."
"Yeah, Mom. It'll be over quick!" giggled Rebecca.
My wife didn't say a word.
I pulled the old armless wooden chair to the center of the room and took my seat. "All right, Madeline. Please come forward for your spanking." Head bowed, she came forward. She looked ready to spit nails.
"I assume everyone--including you, my dear--is aware of what you have done to earn this spanking?" Everyone nodded. "And what did you do, Madeline?"
She glared at me without speaking for a moment. "I smoked a cigarette," she said finally.
"And what is the rule about cigarettes?"
"No one in this house is permitted to smoke."
"Excellent my dear. And finally, what is the punishment for breaking that no-smoking rule?"
"A spanking."
I nodded. "A spanking. A long, bare-bottomed spanking with a belt. Which you are about to receive. Now bare your bottom!"
My wife didn't move. "Didn't you hear me?" I asked.
"Please, Reg," she begged, her face growing red. "Not in front of the kids. That isn't fair."
"It's just as fair as them getting spanked in front of you," I pointed out. "Besides, you should have thought of that before you decided to light a Lucky. Now bare your bottom or I'll give you a session with the paddle _before_ the strap!"
Madeline slowly began to take off her skirt. With nearly every movement she paused and looked at me as though to make sure I wouldn't let her out of this humiliating situation, but I was adamant. Eventually her skirt was draped over a nearby chair and Maddy was only in her panties.
Now she's filled out over the years but she's still a fine-looking woman. Her bottom is a little softer than it used to be, I suppose, but it's still shapely. I felt myself growing erect just knowing what was to come.
"Keep going," I said. Tears were in her eyes but she obeyed, slowly, inch by inch. Finally her panties were down off her bottom, and then mid-thigh, and in a furious gesture I reached out and yanked them down to her ankles. "Step out of them and get over my lap!"
She obeyed with alacrity and immediately stretched out across my legs. Now I'm a big man but it still felt rather awkward to have an adult lying across my lap. Her big bottom was sticking up in the air, naked and trembling, and I put my hand on it and it felt so silky and soft I just could hardly wait to begin.
I gave her light hand-spanking to start. Just a few dozen wallops to warm her up and get me into the "swing" of things. Then I had Larry fetch me the leather belt. Normally this was something the spankee would do, of course, but I felt some mercy to Madeline was in order. She'd cooperated so far. No sense in making her walk naked across the room to fetch the belt.
The belt is thick and heavy and I measured off a section about eighteen inches long and raised it high above my head and brought it down as hard as I could across my wife's bared rump. There was a loud slap, a strangled gurgle from Maddy, and gasps and giggles from the kids. I walloped my wife again and again and again and soon she was howling and begging me for mercy. I didn't slow down but continued, just like I would have for any of the kids.
I laid down a couple dozen strokes across her ass, a couple dozen across her spread thighs, and then a final dozen across her bottom. She was sobbing when I stopped, my hands casually rubbing the red welted stripes and feeling the tremendous heat radiating from her skin.
"How's that feel there, Maddy? Good and hot? Feel the urge to smoke a cigarette now? No? Good!" I gave her a couple of sharp swats with my hand and lifted her to her feet. Her face was flushed with shame and she didn't even wait to grab her skirt but ran up the stairs as though her ass was on fire... which it was, of course.
I looked at the kids and no one said anything. I think they were all thinking that sometime in the future each of them would be in her position, naked and strapped across my lap while everyone else watched. And in fact, it wasn't that long before Becky made that prediction come true....
But that's another story.
星期三, 11月 29, 2006
生日提醒 -- 打屁股
我記得我十五歲生日那年,我非常想要有一個生日派對,媽咪答應我可以舉辦。我邀請了很多朋友,還有一些我喜歡的迷人的男孩^^,這真的是一個很棒的派對,有著蛋糕、冰淇淋......,又因為這是星期五晚上,每一個人都可以留得晚一點。我們大家一起看星際大戰錄影帶,一起狼吞虎嚥的吃東西。我們一直玩到十一點,父母都來接他們的小孩了,大家才回家。我記得當我送走最後一位客人和他說再見,關上門時,我好快樂。我收到一些很酷的禮物,而且有一個我偷偷暗戀的男孩跟 Martha Peterson 說他喜歡我,一想到我就覺得不好意思。我聽到爹地深沉的聲音響起。
我的世界立刻墜落><",一想到待會要面對的,我就覺得胃好痛~~。我根本完全忘記了這個生日的例行公事,我忘得一乾二淨!它就這麼突然地出現在我眼前!這些禮拜我一直很恐懼、害怕真的會實現......因為我今年必須被打150下!! 我不甘願地.慢慢地跟著爹地上樓到我的房間,換上睡衣,我走過去橫趴在爹地膝上,把睡褲和內褲拉下。幾乎就跟去年我上一次被打一樣,我腦海裡只有唯一一個念頭,我待會一定會很痛! 爹地溫柔地輕輕地拍著我的屁股,將板子放在我屁股上,跟我的皮膚接觸著,我可以清楚的感覺到那又冷又硬的木頭板子,我知道那將會使我非常的痛。 「Darla,你知道我是愛你的對不對?」 「是的,爹地。」 「你知道我會打你屁股是因為我將一整年都不用這麼做,你知道的,對不對?」 「是的,爹地。」 「如果你想做什麼不乖的事,這將會是一個很好的提醒。」 「是的,爹地。」 「你準備好了嗎?」 「我...我...想是的。」 「小女孩,今年你十五歲了,所以是150下,我恐怕這可能會很痛,但是我想你就快成年了,應該可以承受的住。」 接下來,他就揚起板子開始用力的打我屁股,打了好久,好像永遠都不會停。雖然只是比去年多了十下,但感覺似乎多了好多...感覺好糟糕。木板就這樣持續的.重重的打在我屁股上,我很努力的克制自己不要大叫出來,不要扭動掙扎得太厲害...... 但還是忍不住哭了出來,眼淚不能克制的一直流,身體不住的顫抖。當我被打到75下的時候,我還記得我是那麼的沮喪,情緒令人難以置信的低落......竟然才進行到一半!!>"<
記得我最後一次被爹地打屁股是在我十八歲那年, 我高三,漂亮且受歡迎。我計劃要上大學唸法律。爹地是那麼的以我為榮^^。「這是最後一次了...」當他指引我趴到他腿上時,他輕輕的說,「妳已經是個大人了,不再需要打屁股了...」。
我感到害怕不安......雖然我光著的屁股爹地已經看過很多次了,當他脫下我的褲子時,我脹紅了臉,我覺得好丟臉...。 我卻點興奮.期待爹地...有點喚起性慾的感覺......,但是我討厭那個木板。痛!痛!痛!除痛還是痛~!我整整被打了半個小時!(我有偷看到時鐘)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
「我知道我已經長大了,我知道...我...我應該已經不再需要它了,不過...嗯...你覺得......我是說......現在我生日已經沒有什麼活動了,我星期五要回家過生日......你...可以......?」 我實在沒有辦法說出口......
我記得我十五歲生日那年,我非常想要有一個生日派對,媽咪答應我可以舉辦。我邀請了很多朋友,還有一些我喜歡的迷人的男孩^^,這真的是一個很棒的派對,有著蛋糕、冰淇淋......,又因為這是星期五晚上,每一個人都可以留得晚一點。我們大家一起看星際大戰錄影帶,一起狼吞虎嚥的吃東西。我們一直玩到十一點,父母都來接他們的小孩了,大家才回家。我記得當我送走最後一位客人和他說再見,關上門時,我好快樂。我收到一些很酷的禮物,而且有一個我偷偷暗戀的男孩跟 Martha Peterson 說他喜歡我,一想到我就覺得不好意思。我聽到爹地深沉的聲音響起。
我的世界立刻墜落><",一想到待會要面對的,我就覺得胃好痛~~。我根本完全忘記了這個生日的例行公事,我忘得一乾二淨!它就這麼突然地出現在我眼前!這些禮拜我一直很恐懼、害怕真的會實現......因為我今年必須被打150下!! 我不甘願地.慢慢地跟著爹地上樓到我的房間,換上睡衣,我走過去橫趴在爹地膝上,把睡褲和內褲拉下。幾乎就跟去年我上一次被打一樣,我腦海裡只有唯一一個念頭,我待會一定會很痛! 爹地溫柔地輕輕地拍著我的屁股,將板子放在我屁股上,跟我的皮膚接觸著,我可以清楚的感覺到那又冷又硬的木頭板子,我知道那將會使我非常的痛。 「Darla,你知道我是愛你的對不對?」 「是的,爹地。」 「你知道我會打你屁股是因為我將一整年都不用這麼做,你知道的,對不對?」 「是的,爹地。」 「如果你想做什麼不乖的事,這將會是一個很好的提醒。」 「是的,爹地。」 「你準備好了嗎?」 「我...我...想是的。」 「小女孩,今年你十五歲了,所以是150下,我恐怕這可能會很痛,但是我想你就快成年了,應該可以承受的住。」 接下來,他就揚起板子開始用力的打我屁股,打了好久,好像永遠都不會停。雖然只是比去年多了十下,但感覺似乎多了好多...感覺好糟糕。木板就這樣持續的.重重的打在我屁股上,我很努力的克制自己不要大叫出來,不要扭動掙扎得太厲害...... 但還是忍不住哭了出來,眼淚不能克制的一直流,身體不住的顫抖。當我被打到75下的時候,我還記得我是那麼的沮喪,情緒令人難以置信的低落......竟然才進行到一半!!>"<
記得我最後一次被爹地打屁股是在我十八歲那年, 我高三,漂亮且受歡迎。我計劃要上大學唸法律。爹地是那麼的以我為榮^^。「這是最後一次了...」當他指引我趴到他腿上時,他輕輕的說,「妳已經是個大人了,不再需要打屁股了...」。
我感到害怕不安......雖然我光著的屁股爹地已經看過很多次了,當他脫下我的褲子時,我脹紅了臉,我覺得好丟臉...。 我卻點興奮.期待爹地...有點喚起性慾的感覺......,但是我討厭那個木板。痛!痛!痛!除痛還是痛~!我整整被打了半個小時!(我有偷看到時鐘)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
「我知道我已經長大了,我知道...我...我應該已經不再需要它了,不過...嗯...你覺得......我是說......現在我生日已經沒有什麼活動了,我星期五要回家過生日......你...可以......?」 我實在沒有辦法說出口......
星期二, 11月 28, 2006
Birthday Spanking
I'm nineteen years old and it's my first birthday away from home. I really miss my family , and strangely enough, my father's birthday tradition.
My father is a strict disciplinarian. We were always spanked growing up , but it wasn't a big deal or anything. My brother and I were pretty good kids. I vaguely remember get spanked a lot when I was really young, but I can only distinctly remember a few spankings after the age of ten.
Except for the birthday spankings , that is. Daddy started those when I was five years old. Ten spanks for each year, delivered bare bottom across his lap with his hand. When I turned thirteen he switched to a wooden paddle , and that really hurt.(It was still in the bare across his lap.)
My brother got them too , just the same way. When other kids were talking excitedly about their 16th birthday my brother and I just looked at each other rather uncomfortably. We were glad to grow older and enjoyed the new freedoms and responsibilities , but we didn't enjoy the spanking. At least that's what I thought then.
I remember my fifteenth birthday. I wanted a party really bad and my mom said I could. I invited over lots of my friends and a number of really cute boys I liked. It was a great party, with cake and ice cream and since it was a Friday night everyone stayed late and we watched _Star_Wars_ on video and pigged out. Finally at eleven o'clock everyone had to leave and parents began arriving, picking up their kids. I remember feeling so happy as I waved good-bye and closed the door after the last guest. I'd gotten some cool presents and one of the guys I secretly liked had told Martha Peterson that he liked me. I was blushing as I thought of this when I heard my father's deep voice.
"Well , now, that was a great party , dear. I think it's now time for your birthday spanking ,don't you think ?"
My world just dropped out from under me. I felt this huge hole in my stomach as I thought of what was to come. I'd totally forgotten about the birthday ritual and it all came back suddenly, the weeks of dread and the horrid realization that this year I'd get 150 smacks !
I slowly followed my father up to my room and changed into my pajamas. Then I went across his lap and down came my pajama bottoms and panties. It had been almost a year since my last spanking and all I could think about was how much this was going to hurt.
Daddy patted my bottom gently and placed the paddle against my skin. The wood felt cool and hard and I knew this was going to hurt.
"You know I love you, Darla, don't you?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"I do this so that I don't have to do it throughout the year, you know that, right?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"It's a good reminder of what will happen if you disobey." "Yes, Daddy."
"Are you ready?"
"I-I suppose."
"This year you are fifteen, so that's 150 smacks, girl. This is going to hurt, I'm afraid, but you are becoming an adult. You can take it."
Then he spanked me hard and long. It seemed to last forever. Even though it was only ten more than last year it seemed much, much worse. That paddle just kept slamming into me and I wept and tried not to cry out or wiggle to much. I remember how incredibly depressed I was when we reached 75--we were only half done !
When it was finally over Daddy pulled my panties and pants back on and made me sit in his lap. He hugged me tightly and told me how much he loved me. He wiped away my tears and smooth my hair out of my eyes and kissed my cheek.
I always remember feeling warm and safe in his arms after his spankings ,and I would hug him impossibly hard and hold on to him with all my strength, as though he could protect from his own firm hand. Strange, but back then I never realized the incongruity of it. It just seemed natural.
I remember last year's spanking. I was eighteen, a senior in high school, popular and pretty, and planning to go to college and study law. Daddy was so proud of me. "This is the last time," he whispered as he guided me across his lap. "You are an adult now and don't need this any more.
I just felt fear and dread. My face flushed terribly and I felt impossibly humiliated as he pulled down my panties , even though this had happened many times before. There was a degree of excitement and arousal and anticipation, as always, but there wasn't much pleasure about the paddling. It just hurt! And hurt and hurt and hurt! It lasted about a half hour(I looked at the clock ).
I was sobbing like a baby when he finished and gathered me in his arms. He told me he loved me and talked with me a long time about my career, the future, and what kind of a person he wanted me to be. He spoke of the values he'd hoped he'd instilled in me and how good and strong a person I was. He made me feel so special and capable of accomplishing anything I set out to do. I remember falling asleep that night with a big smile on my face, my heart pounding with excitement about the future. I would make my daddy proud!
I look at the clock. Three o'clock in the morning! I still can't sleep. All I can think about is my father and those terrible, wonderful birthday spankings. I get out of bed and go to the window of my dorm room. It is dark and quiet outside. My roommate is sound asleep. She sleeps through earthquakes. Carefully I pick up the telephone.
"Darla! What's wrong !"
"Nothing, Daddy. I-I just wanted to talk to you. I miss you."“
"Oh , honey, that's nice. I miss you too, you know. I wish you could have been here for your birthday."
"I know. You said that this morning."
"Well, you are coming home this weekend, right?"
"Good." His deep voice couldn't disguise the deep emotion he felt. It made me feel all warm inside.
"Yeah ?"
"I know I'm a big girl now, and I certainly don't _need_ it, but…… do you think …… I mean , it won't be on my birthday or anything ,but I'll be home on Friday. Could you ……?” I couldn't voice what I was saying.
There was a long pause. Then I heard my father's voice, firm and confident as always, safe secure.
"You wanting a birthday spanking, honey?"
"Yes, Daddy, please. I can't sleep."
"No problem, dear. I'll see you on Friday. Let's see…… you're nineteen today, right?"
"Uhuh." My voice betrayed my nervousness.
"Good. I love you."
"I love you too , Daddy."
There was a click and the room fell silent. I slipped back into bed with a familiar pit in my stomach. Friday suddenly seemed to much closer. I shivered. What had I done? Was I crazy? All my life I couldn't wait for those spankings to end. Now here I was practically begging for one. I shook my head and leaned back onto my pillow. In seconds I was sleeping peacefully.
My father is a strict disciplinarian. We were always spanked growing up , but it wasn't a big deal or anything. My brother and I were pretty good kids. I vaguely remember get spanked a lot when I was really young, but I can only distinctly remember a few spankings after the age of ten.
Except for the birthday spankings , that is. Daddy started those when I was five years old. Ten spanks for each year, delivered bare bottom across his lap with his hand. When I turned thirteen he switched to a wooden paddle , and that really hurt.(It was still in the bare across his lap.)
My brother got them too , just the same way. When other kids were talking excitedly about their 16th birthday my brother and I just looked at each other rather uncomfortably. We were glad to grow older and enjoyed the new freedoms and responsibilities , but we didn't enjoy the spanking. At least that's what I thought then.
I remember my fifteenth birthday. I wanted a party really bad and my mom said I could. I invited over lots of my friends and a number of really cute boys I liked. It was a great party, with cake and ice cream and since it was a Friday night everyone stayed late and we watched _Star_Wars_ on video and pigged out. Finally at eleven o'clock everyone had to leave and parents began arriving, picking up their kids. I remember feeling so happy as I waved good-bye and closed the door after the last guest. I'd gotten some cool presents and one of the guys I secretly liked had told Martha Peterson that he liked me. I was blushing as I thought of this when I heard my father's deep voice.
"Well , now, that was a great party , dear. I think it's now time for your birthday spanking ,don't you think ?"
My world just dropped out from under me. I felt this huge hole in my stomach as I thought of what was to come. I'd totally forgotten about the birthday ritual and it all came back suddenly, the weeks of dread and the horrid realization that this year I'd get 150 smacks !
I slowly followed my father up to my room and changed into my pajamas. Then I went across his lap and down came my pajama bottoms and panties. It had been almost a year since my last spanking and all I could think about was how much this was going to hurt.
Daddy patted my bottom gently and placed the paddle against my skin. The wood felt cool and hard and I knew this was going to hurt.
"You know I love you, Darla, don't you?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"I do this so that I don't have to do it throughout the year, you know that, right?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"It's a good reminder of what will happen if you disobey." "Yes, Daddy."
"Are you ready?"
"I-I suppose."
"This year you are fifteen, so that's 150 smacks, girl. This is going to hurt, I'm afraid, but you are becoming an adult. You can take it."
Then he spanked me hard and long. It seemed to last forever. Even though it was only ten more than last year it seemed much, much worse. That paddle just kept slamming into me and I wept and tried not to cry out or wiggle to much. I remember how incredibly depressed I was when we reached 75--we were only half done !
When it was finally over Daddy pulled my panties and pants back on and made me sit in his lap. He hugged me tightly and told me how much he loved me. He wiped away my tears and smooth my hair out of my eyes and kissed my cheek.
I always remember feeling warm and safe in his arms after his spankings ,and I would hug him impossibly hard and hold on to him with all my strength, as though he could protect from his own firm hand. Strange, but back then I never realized the incongruity of it. It just seemed natural.
I remember last year's spanking. I was eighteen, a senior in high school, popular and pretty, and planning to go to college and study law. Daddy was so proud of me. "This is the last time," he whispered as he guided me across his lap. "You are an adult now and don't need this any more.
I just felt fear and dread. My face flushed terribly and I felt impossibly humiliated as he pulled down my panties , even though this had happened many times before. There was a degree of excitement and arousal and anticipation, as always, but there wasn't much pleasure about the paddling. It just hurt! And hurt and hurt and hurt! It lasted about a half hour(I looked at the clock ).
I was sobbing like a baby when he finished and gathered me in his arms. He told me he loved me and talked with me a long time about my career, the future, and what kind of a person he wanted me to be. He spoke of the values he'd hoped he'd instilled in me and how good and strong a person I was. He made me feel so special and capable of accomplishing anything I set out to do. I remember falling asleep that night with a big smile on my face, my heart pounding with excitement about the future. I would make my daddy proud!
I look at the clock. Three o'clock in the morning! I still can't sleep. All I can think about is my father and those terrible, wonderful birthday spankings. I get out of bed and go to the window of my dorm room. It is dark and quiet outside. My roommate is sound asleep. She sleeps through earthquakes. Carefully I pick up the telephone.
"Darla! What's wrong !"
"Nothing, Daddy. I-I just wanted to talk to you. I miss you."“
"Oh , honey, that's nice. I miss you too, you know. I wish you could have been here for your birthday."
"I know. You said that this morning."
"Well, you are coming home this weekend, right?"
"Good." His deep voice couldn't disguise the deep emotion he felt. It made me feel all warm inside.
"Yeah ?"
"I know I'm a big girl now, and I certainly don't _need_ it, but…… do you think …… I mean , it won't be on my birthday or anything ,but I'll be home on Friday. Could you ……?” I couldn't voice what I was saying.
There was a long pause. Then I heard my father's voice, firm and confident as always, safe secure.
"You wanting a birthday spanking, honey?"
"Yes, Daddy, please. I can't sleep."
"No problem, dear. I'll see you on Friday. Let's see…… you're nineteen today, right?"
"Uhuh." My voice betrayed my nervousness.
"Good. I love you."
"I love you too , Daddy."
There was a click and the room fell silent. I slipped back into bed with a familiar pit in my stomach. Friday suddenly seemed to much closer. I shivered. What had I done? Was I crazy? All my life I couldn't wait for those spankings to end. Now here I was practically begging for one. I shook my head and leaned back onto my pillow. In seconds I was sleeping peacefully.
星期一, 11月 27, 2006
星期四, 11月 09, 2006
那時我家訂閱國語日報,有天開始連載一篇得了紐伯瑞獎的小說「挨鞭童」(The Whipping Boy),故事說一個國家的王子,他有一個挨鞭童,調皮搗蛋犯錯的時候,王子不用真的挨打,他只要在旁邊看,當老師處罰完挨鞭童時,他只要表現出知錯悔改的樣子,就可以過關了,所以王子都不學習,但挨鞭童跟著卻讀會了很多書,有天王子跟挨鞭童一起被綁架了,綁匪要王子寫信回家要求贖金,結果只有挨鞭童會寫信,綁匪就相信他才是王子,認為真正的王子是挨鞭童,就狠狠的揍了真王子一頓。故事最終,就是王子獲救了,因為王子嘗到了挨打的滋味,回到皇宮後就不再調皮搗蛋,認真學習,也跟挨鞭童成了好朋友。
因為日文對我而言就鬼畫符,完全看不懂。所以我都找歐美的網站看,第一次看到那些SM Top100的網站,還蠻興奮的,我葷素不忌的什麼都看,捆綁、夾子、鞭打、夾乳頭什麼的,我都很好奇,直到我的目光停留在一張紅通通的屁股上!只記得,我的視線就像是被吸住了,存下那張圖片,並開始想找看看有沒有其他類似的。然後認識spank這個詞,發現原來也有spank Top100 !!
直到一位網友spanker51推薦了我一部小說「Birthday Spanking」,他說保證好看!!!我就慢慢讀著,靠著字典輔助,將小說內容翻譯了出來。這是我的第一篇作品,也從此以後每次生日都有人家鬧著要打我屁股……
那時我家訂閱國語日報,有天開始連載一篇得了紐伯瑞獎的小說「挨鞭童」(The Whipping Boy),故事說一個國家的王子,他有一個挨鞭童,調皮搗蛋犯錯的時候,王子不用真的挨打,他只要在旁邊看,當老師處罰完挨鞭童時,他只要表現出知錯悔改的樣子,就可以過關了,所以王子都不學習,但挨鞭童跟著卻讀會了很多書,有天王子跟挨鞭童一起被綁架了,綁匪要王子寫信回家要求贖金,結果只有挨鞭童會寫信,綁匪就相信他才是王子,認為真正的王子是挨鞭童,就狠狠的揍了真王子一頓。故事最終,就是王子獲救了,因為王子嘗到了挨打的滋味,回到皇宮後就不再調皮搗蛋,認真學習,也跟挨鞭童成了好朋友。
因為日文對我而言就鬼畫符,完全看不懂。所以我都找歐美的網站看,第一次看到那些SM Top100的網站,還蠻興奮的,我葷素不忌的什麼都看,捆綁、夾子、鞭打、夾乳頭什麼的,我都很好奇,直到我的目光停留在一張紅通通的屁股上!只記得,我的視線就像是被吸住了,存下那張圖片,並開始想找看看有沒有其他類似的。然後認識spank這個詞,發現原來也有spank Top100 !!
直到一位網友spanker51推薦了我一部小說「Birthday Spanking」,他說保證好看!!!我就慢慢讀著,靠著字典輔助,將小說內容翻譯了出來。這是我的第一篇作品,也從此以後每次生日都有人家鬧著要打我屁股……
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