美國饒舌歌手 Flo Rida,2011年11月的歌曲《Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1)》
5,4,3,2,1 搖動你的屁股~
這首歌越聽越適合spanking ♪♪
【Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1)】歌詞:
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Baby girl I want ya look keep on puttin' on a show
Mmm-Da Da Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Let's go
Mmm-Da Da Oh Oh
Shawty got it droppin' around and I'm sold
And we gotta couple of rounds of new dough
Everybody lookin' around like uh oh
Oh babe whatcha say?
Let's play
Shake it with a little bit of Beyonce
Turn around & give it to me shawty get paid
Do it for them girls
They be jealous anyway
On stage I wanna be amazed
Pop that, drop that
It's yo birthday
Top that, got that
Work for this stage
Stop that, lock that
Work it in place
You the best, shawty don't be scared
Let loose get a looey like hers
You the troop get money it's yours
Back it up like that, yes sir!
Oh-oh baby want some more baby?
I love the way you do it 'cuz you do it so crazy
I'm countin' down so turn around
5,4,3,2,1 gotta make that booty go
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Baby girl I want ya look keep on puttin' on a show
Mmm-Da Da Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Let's go
It's your sexy that got me now
Winnin' a bet that can't shut you down
Come embrace the way you makin' it sound
Workin' the middle again
Makin' it jiggle again
Hello let's go just know
I love the way you do it
How you take it to the floor
Show 'em how you do it
Like yo ready for the flow
Baby you can do it 50 times in a row
Them rows get ready for yo pose
Lights, camera, action
Lose control
Ain't got the price these shoes are pro
All types of magic lose the clothes
Gotta party like yo girl
Make yo booty go stupid, girl
So hot that I love them grr
Off top shawty mark my words
Oh-oh baby want some more baby?
I love the way you do it 'cuz you do it so crazy
I'm countin' down so turn around
5,4,3,2,1 gotta make that booty go
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Baby girl I want ya look keep on puttin' on a show
Mmm-Da Da Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Let's go
I don't have the words to say
When you shake it my way
You got me st-stutterin'
How can I make you stay?
I don't have the words to say
When you shake it my way
You got me st-stutterin'
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Oh-oh baby want some more baby?
I love the way you do it 'cuz you do it so crazy
I'm countin' down so turn around
5,4,3,2,1 gotta make that booty go
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da
Oh Oh
Baby girl I want ya look keep on puttin' on a show
Mmm-Da Da Oh Oh
Mmm-Da Da Let's go
現實生活中的欲求不滿,透過扮演另一個角色來補上慾望的缺口。一個喜歡打屁股的女人,一段打屁股的紀錄,一份打屁股的搜集。這是我的變態世界。 I love spanking. A blog about erotic corporal punishment.
(成人內容 限心智成熟者閱讀)
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